
Monday - Friday 12:00 - 3:00 pm

Wednesdays  5:00 - 7:00 pm

345 South Main Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937-746-7791
FAX: 937-746-9950


Our Services

Food Assistance: Families may visit our food pantry once per month. We provide families with baskets containing approximately 5 days worth of groceries.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: FACS is a distribution site for a supplemental food resource for income eligible Warren County individuals age 60 and older.  We have applications for CSFP and will be happy to assist interested seniors.

Utility Assistance: The agency provides limited, emergency financial aid to qualified clients as funds permit for the following categories: Duke Energy disconnect & water shutoff notices.

Information and Referral: The agency works to guide clients to appropriate agencies and resources that can provide long-term solutions to their challenges. ​

Special Holiday Programs: Thanksgiving Meal Distribution, Christmas Gift Distribution- restrictions apply


Our Mission

​To provide emergency assistance to residents of the Franklin, Springboro, and Carlisle areas. This service is intended to provide the time clients need to arrange long-term solutions through other agencies, friends, and family.

​You are eligible for our services if you live in the area we serve and meet income guidelines.

What is FACS?

Franklin Area Community Services is a non-profit (501c3) organization serving Franklin, Springboro, and Carlisle, including Franklin and Clearcreek Townships.  FACS is a member of the Shared Harvest Foodbank.  Operating funds come from United Way of Warren County and donations from government agencies, organizations, and individuals.

Stay in Touch! 

Follow us on our new Facebook page!


​ ​​Franklin Area Community Services Inc.