​ ​​Franklin Area Community Services Inc.

What is FACS?

Franklin Area Community Services is a non-profit (501c3) organization serving Franklin, Springboro, and Carlisle, including Franklin and Clearcreek Townships.  FACS is a member of the Shared Harvest Foodbank.  Operating funds come from United Way of Warren County and donations from government agencies, organizations, and individuals.


Monday - Friday 12:00 - 3:00 pm

Wednesdays  5:00 - 7:00 pm

345 South Main Street
Franklin, OH 45005

Phone: 937-746-7791
FAX: 937-746-9950


Our Mission

​To provide emergency assistance to residents of the Franklin, Springboro, and Carlisle areas. This service is intended to provide the time clients need to arrange long-term solutions through other agencies, friends, and family.

​You are eligible for our services if you live in the area we serve and meet income guidelines.

Our Services

Food Assistance: Families may visit our food pantry once per month. We provide baskets containing approximately 5 days worth of groceries.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: FACS is a distribution site for a supplemental food resource for income eligible Warren County individuals age 60 and older.  We have applications for CSFP and will be happy to assist interested seniors.

Utility Assistance: The agency provides limited, emergency financial aid to qualified clients as funds permit for the following categories: Duke Energy disconnect & water shutoff notices.

Information and Referral: The agency works to guide clients to appropriate agencies and resources that can provide long-term solutions to their challenges. ​

Special Holiday Programs: Thanksgiving Meal Distribution, Christmas Gift Distribution- restrictions apply


Stay in Touch! 

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